Here I am with Mommy and her friends and all my new friends too...
With Uncle Matt and Auntie Karena
My smirk...mommy says I'm silly!
My family and I...gotta love 'em!
Mom & Papa with my big brother and I.
Mommy and I with the happy couple. Mr. & Mrs. Adams.
Uncle Jordon helped out a lot with me, what a great guy! Thanks Jordon.
Me, sleeping in the sling Mrs. Courtney made for snug and comfy!
Sleeping again at the reception.
Mommy holding me at ther reception....I love my mommy!
Matt held me for a picture and the boys all cheered!
Mommy wanted a picture of all the boys and since Daddy wasn't there I stood in for him.
Black and white of me with the boys.
My future inlaws (or so Daddy says) with the most beautiful girl in the world Miss Lillie.
When I'm not being held, I'm usually asleep in my boppy...
My Jaundice level was high so I have to lay on this blue light all the time until my level evens out....I'm a glowing baby! At least the light is blue and not pink, I am a boy ya know!
Here I am at night just glowing away...
Mommy let my older brother hold me, he was so excited!
Miles even gets concerned when I loose my passie and make a fuss.
Mama's holding me just after delivery, I like it in Mommy's arms.
The nice nurse gave me a bath and combed my hair....Mommy says I look so handsome!
Here's a close up of my little face...Mommy says I look just like my big brother Miles did when he was just born.
Here I am two days old at home with my Big Brother Miles and our Mommy. This was the first time my Big Brother got to hold me, I think he likes me. Mommy says I get to meet Daddy soon, then this picture will be complete!
Alexander Joseph Aukai Jamesson is my full name, my parents will call me Zander though. Joseph is after my great Uncle D and Aukai is Hawaiian for Sailor.