Friday, September 7, 2007

My first week....

I spend most of my time sleeping, but when I'm awake I like to just look around and take everything in. Mommy says I'm a very good baby, very mellow and quiet. I think my brother makes up for me being quiet...he's a little on the loud side! I can sleep through it though. I had my first check up at the doctor this week and found out that I'm a little jaundice so I have to sleep on a billie light to help me get better. Hopefully I will be off it soon. I've had to go into the doctor three times this week to get my billie levels checked for the jaundice, and Friday I had to go in to get circumcised, and my tongue clipped because I was tongue tied...mommy said it hurt when I ate and she's much happier now, plus I don't have to work as hard to get my food. That's pretty much the summary of my first week. Enjoy the pictures.

I'm all wrapped up in my Beaver blanket....mommy says I'm a Beaver Burrito.

Beaver baby close up...

When I'm not being held, I'm usually asleep in my boppy...

Happy dreams...

Snug in my bed...

My Jaundice level was high so I have to lay on this blue light all the time until my level evens out....I'm a glowing baby! At least the light is blue and not pink, I am a boy ya know!

Here I am at night just glowing away...

Gotta love feet...

Mommy loves feet pictures!!!

Mommy let my older brother hold me, he was so excited!

I like it when my brother holds me, he's very gentle.

Kisses from my nice.

Miles even gets concerned when I loose my passie and make a fuss.

He rushes over to help me put it back in.

He likes to watch cartoons in the morning and sit by me on the couch.

Here I am with Grandma...she makes me smile.

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